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[swm_tabs style=”tabs_vertical” title=”Political Talk,Baby Boomers,Shark Tank”]
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90% of Americans Listen to Radio & They’re Done with Political Talk
The United States of America runs on the creativity, leadership and drive of small business professionals, entrepreneurs, risk takers, creators and innovators.
These are the people who keep America running, and the latest research says they are not wasting one moment of their precious time listening to WIND bags on AM Radio bloviate about politics, fear, and division. They simple can’t afford to listen to anything unless it’s helping them reach their goals.
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
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Baby Boomers Have All The $$$
8,000+ Baby Boomers Turn 65 Every day for the next 15 Years
[swm_list_icon icon_name=”fa-star”]They Have Money to Spend & Invest[/swm_list_icon]
[swm_list_icon icon_name=”fa-rocket”]They Want to Retire & Travel[/swm_list_icon]
[swm_list_icon icon_name=”fa-flask”]Their Parents Will Leave them Trillions to Spend[/swm_list_icon]
[swm_list_icon icon_name=”fa-support”]They Will Receive The Largest Wealth Transfer in History[/swm_list_icon]
[swm_list_icon icon_name=”fa-comments”]They Listen to AM Radio[/swm_list_icon]
The Baby Boomer Generation is poised to control the largest transfer of Wealth in the history of planet Earth as they cash in retirement accounts and social security, and their parents leave them trillions of dollars in inheritances. The “Boomers” are expected to spend every last penny on as life expectancy is at an all time high, cost of living is at an all time high, and they plan to live an abundant lifestyle shared with their children (generation X) and grandchildren (generation Y).
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Business is The Pursuit of Freedom
The hot trend in TV used to be mindless realty clutter, but that’s changing thanks to shows like The Apprentice, The Profit and Shark Tank.
“What you’re watching on Shark Tank is the pursuit of freedom,” says Venture Capitalist Kevin O’Leary, AKA Mr. Wonderful on the Shark Tank .
“There used to be a perception that if you wanted a safe career, you worked for a big company, stayed there for 25 years and got a pension. That’s a lot of crap. There’s more risk now being in a big company as they downsize and jobs are taken offshore. If you have any entrepreneurial streak in you today, you say to yourself, ‘I’m going to take risks and have the potential to become wealthy and create my own business.'”
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[team_member image_src=”http://michelledubiel.com/websites/wckgdev/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/StocksAndJocks-WCKG.png” name=”Tom Haugh” position=”Stocks & Jocks” column=”swm_one_fourth” column_position=”first”]
Weekdays 6:00a-8:00a | Chicago, IL StocksandJocks.net
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[team_member image_src=”http://michelledubiel.com/websites/wckgdev/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/BestStocksNow-Bill_gunderson.jpg” name=”Bill Gunderson” position=”Best Stocks Now” column=”swm_one_fourth” column_position=”other”]
Weekdays 8:00a-9:00a | San Diego PWStreet.com
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[team_member image_src=”http://michelledubiel.com/websites/wckgdev/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/TerryHeafey-headshot-sq.png” name=”Terry Heafey” position=”Retirement Ready Radio” column=”swm_one_fourth” column_position=”other”]
Weekdays 1:00p-2:00p | Chicago, IL RetirementReadyRadio.com
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[team_member image_src=”http://michelledubiel.com/websites/wckgdev/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/wckg-john-boyle.png” name=”John Boyle” position=”Power Trading Radio” column=”swm_one_fourth” column_position=”other”]
Weekdays 3:00p-4:00p | PowerTradingRadio.com
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[swm_toggle_accordion style=”toggle_box” status=”open” title=”Do You Know The Score In Your Business?” icon=”fa-comments”]
Donec sed odio dui gilla vitae elit libero a pharetra augue. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere
Nunc nibh eliter feugiat sed congue eu conse ctetur none.Vestibulu necs quam ac diam pharetra mattis ut eget elit. Vestib ulum in pharetra dolor. Aliquam ultrice rutrum libero ut pulv inar lectus tincidunt in. Nunc nibh eliter feugiat sed congue eu conse ctetur none.Vestibulu necs quam.
[swm_toggle_accordion style=”toggle_box” status=”closed” title=”Can You Describe Your Ideal Customer?” icon=”fa-umbrella”]
Donec sed odio dui. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.
[swm_toggle_accordion style=”toggle_box” status=”closed” title=”Do You Know Your LTV and CAC?” icon=”fa-gavel”]
Donec sed odio dui. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet.
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Host Your Own Show On WCKG
Nearly every business has a website. Nearly every business person is on Facebook, Linkedin, and other social networks.
But with dozens if not thousands of competitors, your prospects think you are all the same, unless you change the game.
The most effective way for you to change the game, stand out, and get more business is to establish yourself as the authority and leader in your market. When you host your own radio show, you show the world: I am unique. I am an expert. I am the authority. You show the market place YOU are the person teaching, sharing and communicating so when they need what you have to offer, there is only ONE choice, YOU. Contact WCKG today to apply to become the host of your own radio show and dominate your market!
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Write An Authority Blog/Column on WCKG.com.
[swm_list_icon icon_name=”fa-check”]Drive Traffic to Your Website from WCKG.com[/swm_list_icon]
[swm_list_icon icon_name=”fa-check”]Gain Instant Credibility by Associating with WCKG[/swm_list_icon]
[swm_list_icon icon_name=”fa-check”]Build Your Brand & Position Yourself[/swm_list_icon]
Contact WCKG today to apply to become a WCKG.com contributor and dominate your market!
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Podcasting is becoming very popular for reaching your target customers.
If you want to start small, podcast first. Here’s a free training webinar from WCKG’s John Lee Dumas to get you started!
Podcasting has become a hugely powerful marketing tool. If you complete this training with WCKG’s special link, you can even use our studios!
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