Advertising Works
Reach the Right People for Your Business
Chicago Radio Advertising on WCKG: Reaches Your Future Clients Everywhere
These are some frequently asked questions we get about Chicago radio advertising on AM 1530 WCKG:
How many listeners do you have?
AM 1530 reaches over 7,103,155 people in Chicago. But this question is really the wrong question to ask. Here’s why: Usually, the bigger the audience, the more expensive the advertising rates! Radio stations in Chicago want to brag about BIG audiences so they can charge you BIG rates. Conversely, you only need to reach a BIG audience, to justify paying BIG money! We don’t charge BIG rates. We deliver the right people, in the right areas, for an affordable and repeatable price. The question WE should be asking YOU is: How many new customers do you want to get each month? Your numbers are actually more important than our numbers. The bottom line is we reach thousand more people than you do! We’re professional audience builders and master broadcasters. We can reach plenty of people to help grow your business AND we can do it so you’re not over paying to reach people who will never do business with you anyway!
Contact us today for a complete Sportsbook Radio Media Kit and find out how we can design a perpetual system to get you more clients!